Team 6

  • Welcome to Team 6



    Team 6 Avengers Logo


    • Raise your hand and wait to be called on.
    • Do not speak when others are speaking.
    • Water and healthy snacks are permitted at teacher’s discretion.
    • Always use best manners and use quiet voices when talking to others, working in a group, or being addressed by an adult.
    • Only say things that are helpful.  Encourage and support your classmates.
    • Respect the personal space of others.
    • Be respectful of the school’s property.
    • Please discuss personal circumstances before or after class.
    • Focus during class time.
    • Walk in classrooms and hallways.



    • COME TO CLASSES PREPARED EACH DAY!!!  Class begins at the bell and ends when your teacher dismisses you.  Bring writing utensils, notebooks, binders, folders and your planner to class EVERYDAY.
    • When coming to class after the bell, you must provide a pass to your teacher. 
    • All students receive three passes per marking period from each core class that they can use to go to the restroom, locker or water fountain. 
    • If you have a music lesson, tell you teacher the day before.  You are still responsible  for turning in any work due on that day and for getting and completing the work you miss. 
    • If you are absent, you must check your teachers’ websites before coming back to class.  Your teachers post all class materials...CHECK THEIR WEBSITES!!!Absenteeism is a leading cause of failing grades...don’t be a statistic!



  • If your student hasn't given you the yellow Google Classroom Handout, please ask to see it!  Rather than parents/guardians completing four individual contact forms, Team 6 requests that you complete a digital form (Google Form) with the information, which we will share as a group.

    Form can be found on Mrs. Sosnic's Google Classroom page.

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