Library Homepage

  •  Welcome to the Noxon Road Library! 


    School Librarian:   Mrs. McKeon

    Library Clerk:   Beth Koustoubekis 


    ACSD Library Vision Statement

    The Arlington School District Library Program seeks to provide a 21st century learning environment

    that delivers equitable access to the tools students need to inquire, explore, collaborate & create,

    while instilling a culture of reading in an atmosphere of intellectual freedom.

    Each of Arlington’s school libraries serves students with a wide range of interests and needs. In accordance with the Board of Education Policy (click to view), we curate our collections to meet those needs. To find the right books for our collections, we comb award lists and consult sources such as BooklistSchool Library Journal, and Kirkus to select the best books for our students. We choose books that meet one or more of the following criteria:

    1. Align with New York State learning standards; 
    2. Implement, enrich, and support the District's curriculum and instructional program, taking into consideration the varied interests, developmental abilities, and learning styles of students;
    3. Meet the varied needs and interests of staff and students;
    4. Present various sides of controversial issues so that students may develop critical thinking and reading skills resulting in the ability to make informed decisions;
    5. Offer global perspectives and promote diversity by including materials by authors and illustrators of all cultures -- materials will not be excluded because of the race, nationality, religion, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, political views, or social views of the author; 
    6. Provide staff and students with a wide range of up-to-date instructional materials of all levels of difficulty in a variety of physical and digital formats including print and non-print such as electronic and multimedia (including subscription databases and other online products, ebooks, educational games, and other forms of emerging technologies);
    7. Afford students the opportunity to explore a diverse range of literature to develop and strengthen a lifelong love of reading.
    We encourage you to discuss your student’s reading choices with them and to reach out to us with any questions or concerns.

    Please email for assistance:

    Click here for a Google Classroom Tutorial for Beginners 

    Click here for a tutorial on searching for a book from the school library catalog.






