Welcome to Mrs. Pugnali's Speech Class

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Phone: 845-486-4970 ext. 70473


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Jayne Pugnali

Here at Overlook Primary School I support the development of communication skills for children so they can meet the academic demands in the classroom and daily communication interactions. Through the use of a wide variety of activities, children practice talking and listening skills so they can express their unique ideas. Curriculum ideas from literature, science and math support practice opportunities for concepts, vocabulary and sentence formulation.  Talk with your children at home about the events in their school day.  Talk about interesting ideas that are part of the curriculum.  Ask questions, for example; "What do you notice?" and "What are you wondering?" about a variety of topics to provide practice talking about our observations or what we are curious about. 

Look for helpful speech and language ideas to facilitate practice opportunities. 

Look for helpful developmental and speech/language facilitation information provided.


  • Students meet to practice expressive language, receptive language, articulation, voice and fluency skills to enhance their communication skills. Through literature, games, computer activities, and a wide variety of materials students interact and practice communication skills.
    Thank you for letting me borrow your mouth!