Child Protective Services: Familial Child Abuse

  • The website for Child Protective Services contains two important documents that must be shared with all teachers and staff. These include:

    1. The  Summary Guide for Mandated Reporters in New York State; and
    2. The LDSS-2221A , LDSS-2221A pdf which is the form used to report suspected child abuse or maltreatment.

    A copy of the LDSS-2221A needs to be submitted to Jill Post, Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel Services, whenever a CPS report is made. If being sent via email, copy Evelyn Aveledo, Jill Post's assistant.



    The Arlington Central School District will work cooperatively with Child Protective Services (CPS) to protect the health, safety, and welfare of our children.  Based on the most recent guidance from the New York State Education Department, the following procedures are effective immediately:

    • CPS will be given access to records relevant to the investigation of suspected abuse or maltreatment.
      • It is not required that all student records are provided to CPS.
      • The determination of which records are relevant to the investigation will be made on a case by case basis through discussion between CPS and school officials.
    • CPS will be given access to any child named as a victim in a report of suspected abuse or maltreatment or any sibling or other child residing in the same home as the named victim.  Such access includes conducting an interview of the child without a court order or the consent of the parent or guardian.
      • The CPS worker will be required to show identification to school staff.
      • An ACSD staff member will observe the interview for all students regardless of age.  
      • CPS workers will follow all district visitor protocols.
      • CPS workers will not be required to provide any documentation or information as a condition of having access to the child.
      • Any questions or concerns regarding these procedures should be directed to the Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel Services or the Superintendent of Schools.



    Should there be any suspicion of abuse of a child by an Arlington staff member, the Superintendent or their designee should be notified immediately.  These cases must be reported and investigated through alternate means. There are serious legal ramifications if not reported. 

    Also, see Policy 7530 - Students - Child Abuse and Maltreatment