- Arlington Central School District
- Voter Information
Voter Information
To be eligible to vote, you must be a U.S.. citizen, 18 years of age or older, and a resident of the district for 30 days before the vote. If you are registered to vote in general elections with the Dutchess County Board of Elections, you are automatically eligible to vote in school district elections.
If you are not registered, you can obtain a mail registration form by calling the Dutchess County Board of Elections at 845-486-2473. A registration form can also be downloaded from the Board of Elections website: http://dutchesselections.com. Forms are also available at most government offices, post offices, and libraries. Complete the form and mail it to the Dutchess County Board of Elections. You may also register in person at 112 Delafield Street, Poughkeepsie. If you have moved to a new address within Dutchess County or if there has been a change to your name, call the Board of Elections for specific instructions. You must be registered 5 business days before the school district budget vote and Board of Education election, which is always held on the third Tuesday in May.
If you are not a registered voter, you may also register at the elementary school where you will vote or at the District Clerk’s office during normal office hours on any regular school day. You must register at least one week before the school district vote.Where to Vote
The school election polling places are as follows:
District 1 – Arthur S. May Elementary
District 2 – Traver Road Primary
District 3 – Overlook Primary
District 4 – Noxon Road Elementary
District 5 – Beekman Elementary
District 6 – Vail Farm ElementaryPlease click here to see if you are registered to vote and to find your voting location for the Arlington Central School District.