About Me

Phone: 845-486-4880 x70478 (email is the best method of contact)


Degrees and Certifications:

A.S. Dutchess Community College B.S. Suny at New Paltz M.S. Mississippi State University Certifications: Pre-K-6, Grades 7-12 Biology, K-12 Health Education

Mrs. Pauline Quattrone

Welcome to Team 4 Life Science! September 2020 begins my 18th year teaching at LMS.  I've lived in the area all my life and actually began my education in Arlington in the old Arthur S. May building before moving into and graduating from the Hyde Park Central School District.  I am a mother of two; my daughter will be 13 in January and my son will be 10 in October.  Reading and gardening are two of my favorite hobbies, but above all, I enjoy spending time with my family.

P.S. To learn more about what's going on with my hair, visit www.naaf.org