• Please check our team SportsYou and Google Classroom for day to day announcements and information. 

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  • Welcome to Arlington High School

    Indoor (Winter) Track and Field!

     Introduction to Track Video


    Please download the sportsYou (orange logo) app on your phone or device and join our team page to get updates, reminders and other team information. 

    SportsYou CODE:7ZVRXLKG

    Over the next few days there will be suggested at home pre-season workouts for the different areas. 

    General Breakdown

    1) Distance Runners (600m- 3200m)

    2) Sprinters (55m/300m), Hurdlers, Jumpers, Vaulters

    3) Throwing



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  • Below are links to documents and videos for AT HOME Pre-Season workouts. 

    While we are not able to meet as a group, any work you are able to do at home will prepare you for this season. These workouts are designed to help you gain strength, endurance, balance and flexibility. You will not regret preparing, but you may regret not preparing!

    Preparation is the Key to Success!!



    This document includes workouts for runners, jumpers and throwers. All members of teh team should stretch and do core daily in addition to their area workout.  


Name Grade
Abidar, Kamil
Adams, Brandon
Ashong, Ryan
Atkins, Sean
Ayouni, Ryan
Bailey, Brandon
Brower, Nolan
Brumley, Gabriel
Byrne, Chris
Campbell, Jaiden
Carter, Liam
Cohen, Aiden
Crawford, Jayden
Delaney, Sean
Deonarayan, Abdullah
Eckna, Ryan
Eze, Chiboke
Ferron, Dean
Francis, Farrel
Geiger, Matthew
Gormanly, Nicholas
Greene, Casey
Greene, Cooper
Handman, Jack
Ibelli, Joseph


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