Arlington Symphony Orchestra Association (ASOA)

  • Welcome to Arlington Symphony Orchestra Association

  • Happy New Year!
    It is hard to believe that we are already thinking about the election of ASOA officers for the 25-26 school year. As the nominating committee begins this process we wanted to take a moment to reach out to all our members to share that we need to fill the positions of president and assistant treasurer for next year. 
    It would be wonderful if a parent of a current 8th or 9th grade orchestra student or a parent of an older student who has a younger student who will be in the high school soon stepped into these roles since this would allow for some continuity in the next couple of years before all the other current officers' terms end. It will also allow the new officers an opportunity to be guided and mentored by the current officers before they are no longer at the high school.
    If you or someone you know are interested in either of these positions or just have questions about what is involved please reach out to us at
    Thank you,
    Nominating Committee
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