- Arlington High School
- Course Information

All of Sra. Cordella's Spanish 3 notes and announcements (upcoming quizzes and classwork) will be posted to Google Classroom.
Students: I will add you to our Google Classroom by Tuesday, 9/3/24. Please, sign into your Google for Education account. You must sign into Google using the email address from the district. Your school email address will likely be your first initial, then last name followed with "@acsdny.org"
Example: For a student named Jane Doe
If this does not work, please contact your guidance counselor to retrieve your credentials or email any teacher directly.
Parents: You will not be able to view the documents in the Google Classroom by signing in under your personal email accounts. The website only allows educational email addresses to prevent spam, spyware and unwanted outside sources. Please use your child's log-in credentials to view all of their various Google Classrooms.
Please use the tab on the left to trouble shoot if you are having difficulty logging in to Google Classroom, etc.